Activated Sludge
Water suspension of active biomass
Activated sludge sewage treatment plants are actual sewage treatment plants, used as primary, or secondary,treatment system to purify liquid effluents from domestic and manufacturing activities from their pollutant load before they are released into the environment.
Their operation is simple:
by means of a compressor, oxygen is produced then fed into the tank through plate diffuser and, by exploiting the action of bacterical colonies that feed on it by remaining in suspension in the slurry, biodegradable organic material used as nutrients in consumed to obtain the necessary energy and material needed for synthesis.
They can also be installed in sensitive areas, operating with equalization tanks, adopting specific system for recycling nitrate-rich sludge.
This plant configuration ensures the achievement of very high biological load removal efficiencies with reduced production of surplus sludge, even in the absence of primary sedimentation.
An inspection of the tank at least annualy and, if necessary extraction of overflow sludge is reccomended.
Normally, extraction takes place in conjunction with the inspection and purging treatments of the Imhoff tank.
Cleaning will be carried out by extracting some of the overflow sludge, paying attention to the removal of accumulations in the inlet and outlet pipes, and cleaning the air diffusers to prevent clogging.
Our implants
These are purification system that allows less sludge production due to prolonged aeration by oxygen input
Because of their characteristics, activated sludge plants take up little space, are inexpensive and, when professionally installed, require easy maintenance.
They are particularly suitable for::
Isolated civil dwellings
Public offices
Industrial or commercial activities
Fast-food restrooms, restaurants, bars, agritourisms, hotels, campgrounds, etc.
Gas stations, railways, airports
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