Depureco Technology
Not only suppliers, but also consultants for solving issues related to environment and water use
For our systems we use only the best products and the best technologies available.
Artificial wastewater dispersion systems in soils, for small and medium-sized communities
Biological Plants
Removal of organic substance according to natural self-purification processes, without the addition of chemicals
Active Sludge
Purifiers thet reproduce the transformation process of organic substance that occurs in nature
For our systems we use only the best products and the best technologies available.
Get in touch
We would love to hear from you
Each year we strive to engage all staff and associates to develop new and different skills. This is the key to becoming a constantly growing company
We think that the preservation of the environment is a duty to future generation. Therefore, we are commited to reducing environmental risk with careful management of all issues
When we talk about quality standard we always mean the highest level. That is why we periodically carry out numerous analyses, from the proper selection of suppliers and raw materials to the reliability of plants and machines. Every single analysis requires careful research. The best for our Costumers, is the best for us.
Project Design
We design civil and industrial sewage treatment and potability plants in compliance with current regulations
Planned and extraordinary maintenance service whiche is one of the strenghts of our company
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Ufficio: 045 670 3725
Cell: 348 760 5222
Via Primo Maggio 5 37012 Bussolengo
Vicolo Quaiara 37012 Bussolengo
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C.C.I.A.A. di VR R.E.A. 409479 - Cod SDI SUBM70N