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Tipe of irrigation

Subirrigation planting is carried out with a network of small underground conduits called dispersign networks, which, when introduced into permeable or low-permeable soil, promote the dispersion of the water itself without the need for special shaping of the overlying soil surface.

Drainage subirrigatio is indispensable in those soils where discharge of water on surface soils can cause very serious civil and organic damage.

The use of our facilities does not imply any eletrical consumption.

Moreover, the plant conceives the possibility of its expansion over time without any particular cost burden and with extreme operationa simplicity.


The maintenace of these systems is pratically nil since burial does not allow access.

Instead it is important that the pretreatment systembe periodically maintained for the detection of any abnormalities in the sub-irrigation system.

Our implants

Highly appreciated for the simplicity of the treatment type and the possibility of obtaining a very high purification standard with elimination of the effluent discharge problem.

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A surface and subsurface hydrogeological study of the area and the physicochemical characteristics of the soils should be carried out at the preliminary stage.

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